A few weeks ago, I talked about how my great-great grandfather applied for a permit to build an extension to his home in Pittsburgh--but how the various papers gave him a different given name when mentioning his permit application. There was a hearing to discuss if the permit would be granted, and it was denied. And then one newspaper mentioned that he was appealing the denial.
But he didn't seem to appear again. I wondered what happened--and some readers asked on Facebook and Twitter if I knew what happened. Initially I was thinking that I'd need to wait for local Pittsburgh repositories to re-open post-COVID. But I also realized that the OCR technology used to allow old newspapers to be searchable isn't perfect, so perhaps there was another mention of this case where Supkoff wasn't captured? So I searched by the address of the home, narrowing search results to 1925 newspapers in Pennsylvania. And there it was.
Joseph Supkoff Building Permit Appeal Decision; Pittsburgh Post-Gazette; June 12, 1925 |