Sunday, October 6, 2024

Keser Torah / Kaiser Torah Congregation Pittsburgh Minutes

My Supkoff and Tolchin(sky) ancestors attended Keser Torah Congregation in Pittsburgh's Hill District for several decades.  I recently got copies of fragmentary minutes for the congregation from the University of Pittsburgh, which included minutes from various groups associated with Keser Torah from 1927-1939.  The records were written in Yiddish, and they were expertly translated by Géraldine Trom.

If you have ancestors who also attended Keser Torah--or if you just want some insight into the workings of an American synagogue in the 1920s and 1930s, the full translation is below.  Enjoy!

Excerpt from the Keser Torah Congregation Minutes

Page 1


January 20, 1927

The Gmach [Benevolent Society] of Congregation Kether Torah, corner of Webster and Erin St.

The meeting has been opened upon order of President William Gordon and the minutes of last meeting have been read out and everything has been well instructed.  

The yearly report by the secretary has been studied. And, with the person in charge of the finance committee, a motion has been made and it has been accepted, that the report be well instructed. And the committee has discharged it for consideration.

The nomination/enthronement of the new officers has taken place at ex-president Leon Bluestein’s as grand master, and Harry Lider as grand conductor.  And with an inspirational speech, Grand Master Bluestein has instituted the new officers, and he did not miss to give credit to the attending officers, above all President William Gordon.

The members that were newly instituted to the Benevolent Society, are as follows: Yosef Morris, and his wife Bat Sheva, Reizel Ginsberg, Baruch Weinberg, Marom Gelman, Zissel Kohn/Kahn, Shabtai Weiner, Harry Schwartz, Efraim Lastik / Lustik, Reizel Gelman, Reizel Kody, and David Moshe Tarbuk.

And the meeting has been concluded with a generous entertainment of fish, tea and beverages on nicely set tables, fit for a king. And we also did not forget to give praise to God with Birkat Hamazone [Grace after the meal] in minyan [qorum of ten persons].

And people went home with joyous hearts and wishing well to one another.

It has been proposed by Sam Kody, Lipa Gutman, that a committee for investigation be appointed: Yosef Cardiff, Melech Galtz/Goltz, and Leib Kleiman.

Page 2

February 20, 1927

The Gmach [Benevolent Society] of Congregation Kether Torah, corner of Webster and Erin St.

The meeting has been opened by order of President Ginsberg and the minutes of last meeting have been read out and everything has been well instructed.

It has been initiated by a member, Chaim Weiner. A motion has been made, and it has passed, to hold the proposition of Gutman for next meeting, for a rapport by the same committee.

A motion has been made by Pr. W. Gordon and it has passed to appoint a Board of directors with the officers. The following people have been appointed for the Board of directors: Shulem Gordon, Yosef Cardiff, Melech Galtz/Goltz, Yona Goldman, and Chaim Weiner.

A motion has been made and accepted to pay ex-treasurer, Segalin (?), 6 dollars 15. It has been accepted to inscribe the parents of Linder on the tables. A motion has been made and accepted to give to the shul (?) as means [to that effect] 50 dollars.

Has been discussed at the meeting the goings on of the Benevolent Society.

It has been concluded with the findings of B. Linder secretary:   

Expenditure Dec 20, loans                         240                      Cash in treasury from last meeting           498,22

Expenditure Ex-treasurer Segalin (?)        6,15                     Input from this meeting                            129,45

For the supper                                             1,75                     Input 27 February                                           94,60

30 stamps                                                     23, 20                  Input 6 March                                              133

Expenditure February 27, loans 50                        Input 13 March                             203,80

Expenditure 6 March                                  230                      Input 20 March                              105,20

Expenditure 13 March                  130                      Input 27 March                             114,20

Expenditure 27 March                  355                                                                                              [1.278,47]


 Remaining at the bank   242,37

Loans                                               2.198


Page 3

May 26, 1927

The Gmach [Benevolent Society] of Kether Torah Congregation, corner of Webster and Erin St.

The meeting has been opened by order of President Supkoff and the minutes of last meeting have been read and well instructed.

Shlomo Schechter has proposed as member Mrs. Chana Rivka Kleiman.

A committee has been appointed for investigation, the following people: Leib Kleiman, Reuven Derzhanski (?) and Shalom Rabiner.

The question of several members that are overdue, has been presented and even more debated. And committees have been appointed to send [reminders] to several members. And also to send suspension notes to the following people: Friedel Malin (?), Max Dovlevich, Chaim Fox, Chaim Segal, Itzik Abramovich, and Abe (?) Kramer.

The ins and outs of the Gemach [Benevolent Society] have been discussed and the meeting has been concluded in good order.

B. Linder, secretary


Expenditure June 2, loans                          100                      Cash in treasury this meeting      283,90

Expenditure June 9, loans                             60                     Cash in treasury June 2      99,80

Expenditure June 16, loans                        180                      Cash in treasury June 9   139,60

For the shamash [sexton] ....                       24                      Cash in treasury June 16 123,80

Expenditure June 23, loans                        180                      Cash in treasury June 23    95,15

Expenditure June 30, loans                           50                     Cash in treasury June 30 137,10

                                                                        594                                                                                1.050,65


Remaining at the bank                    456,65

Loans                                                             2.378,08


Bonds of the shul                                                  100


Page 4

July 7, 1929

The Gmach [Benevolent Society] of Kether Torah Congregation, corner of Webster and Erin St.

The meeting has been opened by order of President Supkoff and the minutes of last meetings have been read and well instructed.

The report of the investigation committee has been handed over for Rivka Kleiman in February. And it has been approved to send her a letter of initiation for the next meeting.

The receipts of the register have been submitted for the following members and they have also been suspended: Friedel Malin (?), Max Dovlevich, Chaim Fux (?), Chaim Sigal, Yitschak Abramovich, and Harry Kramer.

A motion has been made and accepted that in July and August there won’t be any meetings of the Benevolent Society.

The ins and outs of the Benevolent Society have been read and it has been concluded in good order.

B. Linder, secretary


Expenditure July 7                         160        Cash in bank from last meeting              456,65 

Expenditure July 21                       150        Cash in bank from this meeting              105,30

Expenditure July 28                       100        Cash in bank from July 14                          137

Expenditure August 5                      50       Cash in bank from July 21                          93,50

Expenditure August 11   110       Cash in bank from July 28                           71

Expenditure August 18      30       Cash in bank from August 5                       93,50

Secretary                                         75,35    Cash in bank from August 11                    123

Expenditure August 25      80       Cash in bank from August 18                     99

Expenditure September 1            130        Cash in bank from August 25                    92,40   

Expenditure September 8               80       Cash in bank from September 1              116,60

                                                                        Cash in bank from September 8 99

                                                          965,35                                                                          1.486,95

Page 5

February 9, 1935

Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Kether Torah Congregation

A Melaveh Malka [Saturday night meal] has been given at the Ladies’ Auxiliary in honor of their secretary Mrs. Linder for taking upon the duties of secretary after a long absence due to illness.

With nicely decorated tables with flowers, and fine dishes, the members of the Ladies’ Auxiliary and their husbands had a good time.

President Mrs. Soubcoff was the chairman of this evening, and speeches have been delivered by Rabbi Kronzek and others.

And secretary Mrs. Linder has been presented with a coffee percolator set with tap which has been chosen by Mrs. Klein and Mrs. Penny Rice. The present has been delivered to Mrs. Linder by Vice President Mrs. Klein and Ex-Vice President Mrs. Tzippy Gelbart.

Donators for the party:

Mrs. Klein, biscuits, fruit cake;

Mrs. Goldstein, cake;

Mrs. Wagner, cake;

Mrs. Katz, cake;

Mrs. Dirnes (?), cake;

Mrs. Farber, cake;

Mrs. Feldman and Mrs. Meizlish, Mrs. Reiz, Mrs. Linder have brought grivn [bits of chicken/goose skin fried in schmaltz] and sweet corn.

Mrs. Rice, Mrs. Nord, Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. Freedel, Mrs. Meizlish, Mrs. Zegersohn, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Birman, have served the tables.

Mrs. Klein and Mrs. Birman and everyone have taken part in the celebration.

A blanket of drinking cider that has been delivered through Mrs. Rice. It has been auctioned and the raffle has brought in 14,05 dollars.

Donation from Mr. Blinder: 5 dollars.

Donation of Mr. Erin David Linder: 5 dollars

Remaining expenses: 6 dollars.

[Side] Last meeting total: 106.138 dollars

Page 6

February 23, 1935

Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Kether Torah Congregation

A meeting has been held by President Mrs. Soubcoff, Vice President Mrs. Klein, and the minutes of last meetings were read out and approved. A motion has been passed that an investigation on potential members should be conducted. The following were appointed: Mrs. Soubcoff, Becky Bluestone, Mrs. Nord, Mrs. Rice, Mrs. Tzippy Gelbart, Mrs. Zeiger, Mrs. Stern.

It has been approved that the Ladies’ Auxiliary should have a Purim party, and several members have pledged (?) to bring everything that is needed for the party.

A motion has been made by Becky Bluestone that one should make a card (?) party on Lag baOmer at Weinstein’s restaurant.

A nice party has been given at Mrs. Wagner’s and Mrs. Feldman’s and people thanked them nicely for it. And people have wished for Mrs. Feldman to get better, because she was not feeling well and could not attend the party.

And the meeting has been concluded by Mrs. Linder, secretary.

A new member has been initiated: Mrs. Tilla Schneer.


Mrs. Schneer’s donation                            3

Mrs. Schneer’s dues                                    0,15

Mrs. Chuma Linder                                      1

Mrs. Meizlisch for tickets                           0,80

Mrs. Meizlish dues                                      0,50

Mrs. Leah Mullin dues                                0,30

Mrs. Miriam Bluestone dues                     1

Doc Becky Bluestone’s donation 0,35

Mrs. Schechter dues                                   0,30

For the sweaters (?) Mrs. Rice    0,75

For the cake and candy raffle                    2,70


From last meeting                                       1.061,38

Total                                                               1.072,23

Page 7

December 10, 1938

Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Kether Torah Congregation, Webster and Erin Str.

The meeting has been opened by the President, Mrs. Zoubcoff, the Vice presidents, Mrs. Davidner (Davidoff?), Mrs. Kaufman.

And the minutes of last meetings have been read and an appeal has been made for supper and also to repaint the kitchen. And the members have called up for Bedi (?) donations.

And Mrs. Davidner (Davidoff?) has been appointed chairman and treasurer for the donations for supper and meanwhile 5 dollars have been collected in cash. And Mrs. Rice chairman and treasurer for repainting the kitchen, and 4,30 dollars have been collected.

A surprise party has been given in honor of Mrs. Gelbart and Mrs. Klein, in recognition of their good work for the Ladies’ Auxiliary. At the party, there were also many guests of the Bedi (?) And the Ladies’ Auxiliary has also found necessary to offer them a memento, to Mrs. Gelbart a loving cup, and to Mrs. Klein a signed golden bust in recognition of the Ladies’ Auxiliary. It has been bought by Mrs. Rice and Becky Bluestone and Mrs. Cardiff and offered by Mrs. Davidner (Davidoff?). Mrs. Cardoff. The host of the evening was Mr. Leon Bluestein, and he has introduced with a nice speech the program of this evening. Some members and guests have greeted the honorees which presided over nicely covered tables. This beautiful party has been given by their daughters-in-law, Mrs. Gelbart and Mrs. Gross Tshany (?), in honor of their mothers-in-law. And everyone has had a good time. And the meeting has been concluded.

Tzivia Linder, secretary



Chuma Linder dues                       1                           Total                                                6                           Colonial (?) trust                            1.500

Mrs. Anesman  dues                     1                           Mr. Max Gelbart dues                  6                           United Savings Bank savings       900

Mrs. Yisrael Koretzky dues          0,50                     Mrs. Morris Gross donation            5                           Farmers Bank savings                   1.044,49

Mrs. Bremer dues                         0,50                     Mrs. Soubcoff for craft (?)              1,50                     Washington Bank savings            907, 72               

Mrs. Tabachik   dues                    1                           Total                                                18,50                   Washington Checkings   682,93

Sarah Dichter donation 2                           From last meeting                         5.114,30             By treasury                                     79,16

Total                                                6                           Total                                                5.132,80             By Mr. Rice                                     18,50

                                                                                                                                                                             Total                                                5.132,80

                                                                                                                                                                             Debts                                               830


Page 8

January 7, 1939

Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Kether Torah Congregation, Webster and Erin Str.

The meeting has been opened by President Mrs. Zoubcoff, Vice presidents, Mrs. Davidner (Davidoff?), Mrs. Kaufman, and the minutes of last meeting have been read and well instructed.

Cash for supper has come in, 9 dollars. A few members have also promised to bring meat and other things which are needed for the supper.

And it has been decided to call a board meeting at the chairman’s, Mrs. Stern, to insure the committees will entertain all the attendees during the supper.

And a nice party has been given by Mrs. Koretzky, Mrs. Litman, Mrs. Katz and we have thanked them warmly.

The meeting has been concluded. And Mrs. Zoubcoff has organized a raffle, it has brought in two dollars.

Tzivia Linder, secretary


16 January

A board meeting has been held by the chairman, Mrs. Stern, at her house, 120 Erin Str. And many members were present, and they have also given donations for the supper.

And it has been approved to call a regular meeting and to make the last arrangements for supper on Monday 23. And Mrs. Stern has given a nice party, and everyone has had a good time.

And it has been approved to make a card for the 28 February at Rosenbaum’s.

And Mrs. Gelbart has brought tickets of what she has arranged at Rosenbaum’s. And the tickets have been handed over to the cheerleader team who has been appointed: Mrs. H. and Mrs. B. Feinberg.

Tzivia Linder, secretary


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1 comment:

  1. These minutes could be for any synagogue even today! But what were they "investigating?" Whether people had paid their dues? Thanks for sharing.
