Here's another great reason to blog about your family research--it makes you reexamine what you already know and identify holes that need to be filled, sometimes with information you already have.
I began writing this post about the family of Shalom/Salamon Rutner, a brother of my great-great grandfather Shmuel Moshe. And in doing so, I found at least two of his grandchildren who were missing from my tree, even though I had records of their birth all along.
Salamon Rutner Death Registration |
According to Salamon Rutner's death record (which was recorded in 1933, 13 years after his death), Salomon was born in Kolodne around 1856 to Mendel Rutner and Jita Farkas (my great-great-great grandparents). His wife was Ruzena Lebovic (Ruchlya or Roza in the birth records of her children). Salamon was a farmer who lived in Dulovo (then Czechoslovakia; today's Subcarpathian Ukraine).
Note that Salomon's age on all of his children's birth records imply a later birthdate--anywhere from 1862-1865.
Szura/Sara Rutner's Birth Record, 1902 |
I have records of seven of Salamon's children's births, the earliest of
which occurred in 1894. The children I'm aware of (all born in Dulovo)
- Leizer, born 1894
- Helena, born October 1895
- Abraham, born December 3, 1897 and died December 3, 1906
- Aron, born April 29, 1900
- Sara, born August 28, 1902
- Mendel, born January 29, 1905
- Moshe, born June 24, 1910
Birth Record for Nathan, son of Leizer Rutner and Roza Kahan; 1911 |
Leizer had at least two children--Nathan born August 4, 1911 and Zseni/Sheva born April 26, 1914. Both children were only registered under their mother's name, Roza Kahan, but Leizer signed both birth records acknowledging that he was the father.
Malka-Rifka Swerebard/Swarzbard Birth, 1924 |
Helena had at least five children with her husband Isaac Swartzbard:
- Malka-Rivka, born June 4, 1924
- Roza, born May 24, 1926
- Blima, born August 1, 1928
- Senca, born July 5, 1931
- Solomon, born January 4, 1935
Mendel had a son Ignac, born July 9, 1931 and died November 6, 1932; Mendel's wife is Rochel Rutner (but I do not know how she is related to the rest of the Rutners. I have only one additional mention of Mendel, from Yad Vashem:
Mendel, son of Roza Lebovics of Dulfalva (the Hungarian name for Dulovo) was a victim of a Hungarian Labour Battalion.
And I have no mention of any marriages or births of children to Aron, Sara or Moshe. Or so I thought until I began putting together this post. I noticed that the information on Mendel in Yad Vashem had his surname as Lebovics--his mother's name. Could there be anything on Aron, Sara or Moshe
Lebovics (rather than Rutner)?
Marriage of Sura Lebovic and Mozes Fuchs |
Sura Lebovic, daughter of Ruchla and born August 28, 1902 in Dulovo was married to Mozes Fuchs in Tereble in 1927. This is Sara! Finding this record led to finding birth records for two children: Frantisk born January 20, 1930 and Mendel born October 28, 1931, both in Tereble.
I still have no records of families for Aron or Moshe. Perhaps they lived as adults in villages other than those for which I have records.
I don't know what happened to any of Solomon's children and grandchildren during the Holocaust, with the exception of Mendel Lebovics (mentioned above). I have found no record of them coming to the US or in any post-Holocaust documentation, including no Yad Vashem pages of testimony. This whole branch may have been murdered, leaving no one to fill out the pages--but I don't know for sure. Or again, so I thought before writing this post.
I n0oticed a notation on Moshe's birth record in Russian--and realized that there were dates on it post-1945.
Mosko Rutner Birth, 1910 |
On the second page of the record (the bottom part of the above image), are two columns. The first is "Sulem Rutner" affirming his paternity. The second is:
На основании заключения МВД, имя и отчество исправлено na "Мойсей Соломонович".
Гячово, 25. VI 1956
U I No. 972160. October 3rd, 1946
on the decision of the Ministry of the Interior the name and the
father's name [patronymic] are corrected into "Moisej [Moses]
Gyachowo(?), April 25th, 1956
So it seems that Moshe was alive--and in the Dulovo area--at least into the mid-1950s!
Descendants of Salomon Rutner |
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