Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Interconnected Vizel Descendants

A few days ago on the ISOGG Facebook group, someone mentioned a new tool by Brad Lyon that allows you to visualize interrelationships between family members.

Below, I looked at descendants of my 5th great grandfather Avrohom Vizel.  The tool takes a Gedcom and generates a chart showing relationships, with dots representing individuals on the year of their birth, giving a vertical timeline.

Descendants of Avrohom Vizel

The chart easily helps to visualize the many descendants of Avrohom Vizel who married one another--the lines going horizontally show that there are lots of cousins marrying cousins, some more closely related than others.

You can also zoom in on specific areas.  By mousing-over the timeline on the right, you can see what events happened in a specific year--both on your family tree as well as in the world in general.
Closeup of some of the Vizel Tree
What happened in 1863--both in the Vizel family and in the world
Clicking on an individual node will give you the relationship to the root person; in this case, my great grandmother Esther Rutner Joshowitz is a great-great granddaughter to Avrohom Vizel in two ways; I can have the tool highlight those connections.
Esther Rutner Closeup
As I play with the tool more, I'll highlight more of the features; stay tuned!

Note:  I'm on Twitter.  Follow me (@larasgenealogy).

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  1. Thank you for making me aware of this. I will check it out.

  2. Lara, I thought this looked really interesting. I tried it out and wrote about it this morning on my blog, referencing you and linking to this post. Randy Seaver read my post and wrote about it today, too, referencing both of us. It's a fun, new BSO.

  3. I enjoy your blog. Wanted you to know that I linked your post in my "Friday-finds" at http://martinroe.com/blog/index.php/2016/09/16/friday-finds-week-36-2/
