[Note: As of May 25, 2017, GedMatch has a beta fix to Lazarus which will hopefully be pushed out shortly.]
Lazarus is one of the Tier 1 utilities offered by
GedMatch. It allows you to recreate at least some of an ancestor's genome, based on living relatives who have tested. It takes two sets of kits--one set consists of descendants of the ancestor whose DNA you're trying to recreate (Group 1); the second set consists of non-descendant relatives of that individual (Group 2).
The utility basically looks at all of the DNA of those Group 1
descendants--some of which is that of the ancestor of interest but some
of which is also those of other ancestors--and what segments those
descendants have in common with known cousins, nieces, nephews, etc.
from Group 2. Those common segments should all come from the ancestor
whose genome is being recreated. (There is always the possibility, especially in endogamous populations,
that you're including segments that are not inherited from that
ancestor, but you can also include segments only over a certain size to
try to account for that--but that's not the issue being raised in this
I've created Lazarus kits of several of my ancestors. But recently I've noticed that GedMatch no longer does comparisons of Lazarus kits to others correctly. As an example, I recreated the genome of my great grandfather, Avraham Tzvi Diamond. I've included five of his direct descendants (Group 1) and three relatives who are not descendants (Group 2)--a great niece, a great-great nephew, and a great-great niece.
Chart showing relationships. Group 1 individuals are blue, Group 2 are green, and the kit being Lazarused is purple |